2024 Changes
Important Updates Regarding Changes
in Second Vice District Governor
Qualifications and Discounted Members
No Longer
Included in Club Delegate Formula
As we all move forward with planning our
district conventions, please keep in mind
the following changes potentially
impacting nominations and credentialing.
Qualifications for Second Vice District
Delegates at the 2024 International
Convention approved an amendment
expanding the qualifications for the office
of second vice district governor. In the
past, to qualify for nomination, a candidate
had to have served as president of a Lions
club for a full term or major portion
thereof, and served as either a zone chair,
region chair, or cabinet secretary and/or
cabinet treasurer, with none being
accomplished concurrently.
The amendment provides that
alternatively, a candidate can have served
as a club president and member of the
club board of directors for at least two
years, and, in addition to either zone
and/or region chair, and CST, can have
served as either a district global extension
team coordinator, district global leadership
team coordinator, district global
membership team coordinator, or district
LCIF coordinator, for a full term or major
portion thereof, with none being served
concurrently. It is important to note that a
district LCIF coordinator’s term in three
years so a candidate in that position would
need to have served a majority of the
three-year term to qualify.
The amendment levels the playing field for
those who have served on the global
action team but not as a zone/region chair
or CST, by enabling them to qualify to
advance in their district.
The amendment did not alter the other
qualifications of being an active member in
good standing belonging to a Lions club
that is in good standing, securing the
endorsement of his/her club, and not
having previously served a full term or
major portion thereof as district governor.
Nominating committees are encouraged to
use the Nominating Committee Checklist
for Second Vice District Governor
Candidates located on page 39 of the LCI
Standard District Constitution and Bylaws,
and the checklists for district governor and
first vice district governor candidates that
Discounted Members No Longer Count
In Club Delegate Formula
Another amendment recently passed
provides that members of a club who pay
discounted dues as a result of family
membership status or student status, shall
not be included in the club delegate
formula calculation. The discounted
member retains all voting rights and is
eligible to serve at club and district levels.
Each chartered club in good standing in LCI
and its district shall be entitled in each
annual district convention to one (1)
delegate for every ten (10) members, who
have been enrolled for at least one (1) year
and a day in the club or major fraction
thereof. The major fraction referred to
here is five (5) or more members. For
example, if a club has 20 members, 18 of
whom have been lions for over a year,
then they would typically be entitled to two
(2) delegates (18/10 = 1.8). However, if
four (4) of the 18 are discounted members,
the club is only entitled to one (1) delegate
(14/10 = 1.4). The district credentials
committee should also keep in mind that
to be an eligible delegate, a Lion must be
in good standing and their club must be in
good standing.
Another change in credentialing involves
past district governors (“PDGs”). LCI
Standard District Constitution and Bylaws
(“CBL”) Section 2, footnote 6, reads, “The
district may amend this provision to allow
for a past district governor to vote apart
from a club delegate quota. Pursuant to
Article IX Section III of the International
Bylaws, … FURTHER PROVIDED, that each
district may, by express provision in its
respective constitution and bylaws, grant
full delegate status to each past district
governor who is a member a club in such
district independent of the club delegate
quotas hereinabove specified.” In the past,
PDGs were allowed full delegate status
apart from their home club’s delegates
determined through the club delegate
calculation regardless of whether an
express provision was included in a
district’s CBL.
Credentials committees are encouraged to
read all pertinent sections of their district’s
CBL (whether standard LCI or their own)
and the applicable provisions of the multi-
district and international CBLs.
DG Tracy Thompson, 34B