Do You Have What
It Takes?
Do you have what it takes to lead your
district? I’m not talking about money or
even time. I’m talking about the
determination and drive to raise the bar
and take your district to a higher level of
Lions Clubs International makes a huge
investment in the training of your district’s
executive officers. Every year, first vice
district governors (FVDGs) are given the
opportunity to spend a week in February
at the Q Center in St. Charles, Illinois to
learn the “big picture” of how everything
works on the international level. While
there, they learn not only the philosophies
of Lionism, but also the nuts and bolts that
keep the engine running. This week is
100% funded by LCI. There is no cost to
attendees other than time and effort.
FVDGs are also encouraged to attend the
Lions International Convention occurring
right before or immediately after the
beginning of their district governor term
that begins on July 1. The district governor
elects (DGEs) attend their final day of
training and are sworn into office at the
convention. Again, this is fully funded for
the DGE.
First and second vice district governors
also train on the multi-district level
attending in-person training each fall that
provides them with the information they
need to understand state operations,
finances, and all of the necessary forms.
MD34 sponsors this training and takes
care of all expenses.
As if all of this were not enough, all FVDGs
are, at the beginning of their term, placed
into working groups for virtual meetings
and training to guide them through a
series of video tracks in the LEARN Module
of the Lions Portal. There are numerous
sessions, worksheets, and exercises
spanning several months that culminate in
them completing goals and action plans
for their upcoming district governor (DG)
Suffice it to say, if a candidate is not ready
to assume the DG role, it is not the fault of
LCI. So, first, an observation – if you have
not been visited by your FVDG and you
have not seen them out and about in your
district … now you know what they’re
doing. Second, do you have what it takes
to lead? The multi-district and your home
district need capable Lions like you to step
up and assume leadership roles. The
monetary cost for you to get there is next
to nothing, and the cost after you assume
office is the same if you utilize the training
you receive to timely file expense reports
to recoup expenditures.
Take a look at your current FVDGs who will
be DGEs after your district conventions.
This group of intelligent, hardworking
Lions are busy attending training and
getting ready to take your district to new
heights. Can you help? Will you help? Get
in touch with someone on your district
team and find out what you can do to
qualify for the opportunity to be a part of
your district’s future.
DG Tracy Thompson